Lower, just cos you move like a bot at that sens doesnt mean he does lmao wtf is this logic, it seems you have trouble understanding simple english. There's no such thing as a perfect sensitivity. Login or register to add your comment to the discussion. Je suis actuellement à 10 de sensibilité environ mais j'arrête pas de modifier car pas foutu de trouver quelque chose qui me va, parfois j'ai l'impression d'être trop rapide, parfois trop lent. i played shooters on lots of different sens and in my experience if i have 2-3k hours in a game and changed my sens a couple times in that period then i can easily get used to any sens in between the sens i already tried, it only takes a couple hours of deathmatch, best to play a lot of different maps, to calibrate, and then of course for a little while after you'll sometimes miss because you do the flick for the wrong sens but idk i like the feeling of getting used to different sens sometimes. aim will be on point as well. But itll keep happening here and there. 08.21.2019 at 6:37 pm. My cousin who is 1236 had the highest headshot %. 400 dpi 5/11 windows sens 1.2 ingame 500hz blackbars, 5/11 windows is just worse than 4/11 or 6/11, 0.75 multiplier, Mine 2.5 @ 500dpi or 5 @ 250dpi + m_yaw 0.0185 with accl: 1.03. you cant 180 one tap like f0rest, but you can play 100% normal with that sens ._. playing 4k hours with the same sens (or even more maybe with 1.6/source) doesn't make you hit flicks and doesn't make you have a perfect crosshair placement, movement, 180° hability ??? If you’re a wrist player you need 800+, but if you use your wrist and your arm you could easily use 600. what? influençait sur les DPI ? even if he still had he had it on 1.05 which doesnt change that much, lol why should i care for a game like quake :D, 3sens 1000dpi 1000hz Was playing 400 dpi 1.42 sens 1000hz, but after full tiltmode switched to 3 sens today, seems to work. Csgo 1.5 Niko is a maniac, an absolute madman. THAT being niko's sens. What's crazy about it? I thought maybe my mice is not the best so in January 2017 I bought zowie fk2 in hopes that it would make my game better and I started with my old gn sensi 3. 1000 hertz, Mais je pense qu'une sensi un peu plus haute sur Overwatch est totalement acceptable, tu au fait que c'est beaucoup plus dynamique que dans CS. lol'd hard at all fools above, who says about 360 noscope and "lower than 4 sens bots' loooooool google "right hand grip with your fingertips" LUL I thought that simple I am the 2nd player behind my brother and I do support and some leading. MICHU uses 0.4 something on 800 dpi and swag uses 1.2 on 400. Le mis important est le teamplay et le placement (excepté pour les snipers). J'ai remarqué que les pro sur OW ont une sensi aux alentours de 35cm pour un 360. 08.26.2019 at 9:11 pm. No idea how I play with it. I play 680eDPI, my brother plays 760, my cousin plays 1236, my friend plays 1000, another friend plays 832. (ouais j'ia 15 de sensi en jeu ). Specially when you fuck up all the muscle memory you built, changing sens doesnt completely fuck your muscle memory, your brain can adapt, our brain can always adapt, but if you change over and over again your sens you just will be so inconsistent He’s using the HEADSET RAZER KRAKEN 7.1 V2 GUNMETAL, source last stream. (sachant que j'ai un "petit" tapis de souris (un tapis de base quoi)) je fais un 360 en un demi tapis a peu près I'm on mobile but I'll update this post later with relevant links so you know what I mean. right arm = strong af Sometimes I couldnt kill target close to me because I was moving my mouse to fast. i said that if you change sens more often, you will get used to new sens more quickly than if you play with 1 sens for 4000 hours. Raw 1 ofc it's obvious, if I change my sens i could still carry against a lot of players because aim is important but when you can make the right calls on T side, when you can have a good positioning, good grenade management, communication, etc.. Je serai curieuse de voir votre précision à la visée avec vos conneries de réglages xD ! When you go positive with 20-28 kills every game regardless of sens its hard to know what is best. also, consistency is overrated. Im 12btw haHAA, of course you can ._. Raw input off and 6/11 windows sensetivity. Tu peut juste t'en servir comme exemple, Sur internet il y a bcp de tuto pr trouvé sa sensi aussi. left arm = LUL, I fap with left so stronkk with left and right ;). (Unless they have raw input off), I used to think so too, used to play 1200 dpi at like 1.8, now I play 400dpi at 1.7, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the GlobalOffensive community. Le mis important est le teamplay et le placement (excepté pour les snipers). J'ai une souris microsoft filaire de base j'ai regardé vite fait en dessous et apparemment ce serait du 400 DPI, mais je me demandais si les paramètres de la souris J'ai remarqué que les pro sur OW ont une sensi aux alentours de 35cm pour un 360. Perso j'ai triplé ma sensi si je compare avec csgo. Once I had a sensitivity from that I tweaked it so that when I was moving and trying to track an object I was always on target. 800 DPI 1.6 sens here. All Plateformes | Recherche de joueurs/euses avec le système d'escouade by Blizzard. I noticed that I became very inconsistent and kept deranking to MG 1. saN. I have 800x600, 1.06 sens, 6/11, 1000 HZ, 1000 dpi, m_yaw 0.0228, m_pitch 0.0228, you can type for example m_pitch .155 but it stays on m_pitch .022 (it's was unchangable, because cheaters could abuse it) -Jeu au poignet You're probably better off sticking to one and making it work, constantly changing it wont allow you to establish a baseline and may make you inconsistent. Video settings? Sticking to a sensi (its just makes things worse) Finding out a best sensi (that video we all know that video in which you draw a circle I tried that sensi same outcome) Changing my sensi from time to time (cant do that but i still do), So I want to know that Is there a perfect sensi have you've faced the same problem and found a way out of it ? using 0.81 as zoom sens is the same sens than your rifle sens. How big is your mousepad? jeuxvideo.com est édité par Webedia. If you often change your sens you don't have the necessary muscle memory to make a lot of flicks with awp or simply reaction shots with any gun (specially pistol) Le teamplay s'apprend bien plus tard, suffit de voir sur CS:GO ou les gens sur dernier rank ne jouent pas en team mais ont une bonne aim. Also I got really influenced by pros like one day I watch kennys awping oh man those flicks are good lets try 2.25 (kenny's sensi) and some other day oh man gaurdian is so good with this sensi lets try 1. Je pense que le réglage de la sensibilité est propre à tout un chacun et à leurs situations/matériels. (all sensi given below are with 400 dpi) So firstly my first rank was silver elite (sens was 1.5) and then I ranked up to SEM after 38 more damn wins (not streak) and at that time my sensitivity was 1.8 (I only did awping at that time) I ranked up to gn1 after deranking from SEM to SE and vice versa. eventually you will adapt to the point where your sensitivity is just 1 variable in the system that you can change, within a certain range, and after playing for a little while you will know how far you have to rotate for a couple movements, and the rest can be interpolated from there. Some friends suggested that I stick to that sensitivity I tried sticking to 3 and 1.8 for weeks and my game became more worse everyday. lol at liquipedia 1.42 400 dpi its imposible :D he must have above 2 1.42 movement is like bot. C'est minimum 800 en DPI, avec 10 comme sensi IG, Comment vous faîtes pour tourner la caméra vite en dessous En novembre, toutes sortes de créatures étranges - et d'expériences vidéoludiques - sont mises à l'honneur dans les jeux inclus du PlayStation Plus. they should copy pros in how they got their sens, which is personnal preference, Michu from Kinguin -> 400DPI | 1.3 sensitivity ingame. It's not about doing 180s, you need to be used to having your crosshair in correct places, if his crosshair placement was shit like yours, then obviously he won't make shit happen. Here there is my screenshot as example -, strange, it shows at my console as 0.0228 both, if you play offline with sv_cheats 1 you could change both but when sv_cheats 1 only you could change m_yaw, i play on 1.85 400 dpi and i can do 180s the whole day (cuz i aim by lifting the elbow, not the hand itself) and i have my SS QCK+ SK Gaming edition which is huge, so i have the space to do so, use his sensitivity and you'll become as good as him no joke !! 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