b||1342177279>>=1)c+=c;return a};q!=p&&null!=q&&g(h,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:q});var t=this;function u(b,c){var a=b.split(". For instance, Japan is exporting many of its technologies, like bullet trains, to help development in countries in South East Asia. ●Safety ●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion ●Identity 【模範解答】 【TOPIC例】①Is a university degree in literature worth the cost?②Can remote work replace offices?③Agree or disagree: Educational background will become more important in the future. ●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer. If we have a licensing system, they may be punished for a traffic violation, which must decrease the number of accidents. 続いて、さまざまなトピックで応用が効くテンプレートです。少し長い表現ですが、型を覚えておけば本番できっと助けになるはずです。, The government has numerous tools for _____.(政府は_____に関する多数の手段をもっている。), The greater focus on ….. has led to a shift in_____.…..により焦点をあてたことで_____へと交替していった。, Our reliance on ….. is doing enormous damage on _____.(私たちが…..に依存することで_____にダメージを与えている。), It is hard to imagine how today’s people could fully function in a world without_____.(現代人が_____なしで生活を機能させることは想像できない。), Given the current situation, it is hard to imagine a scenario in which _____ do not pose a challenge to the international community in the coming decades.(これらの状況から、今後 _____ が国際社会へ難題をもたらずには終わらないことが予想できる。), 英検1級の試験概要とライティングの概要は押さえられましたか?本記事でご紹介したポイントやテンプレートが皆さんのライティング対策の助けになれば幸いです。, 「テンプレートだけじゃ英検1級合格には届かない」「自分で英作文を書いても、正しく書けているかわかならい」「英作文を添削してほしい」, そんな方はぜひベストティーチャーの「英検対策コース」をお試しください。英検のエッセイ問題の添削や二次試験の模擬面接もできちゃいます!詳しくはこちら▼, ※英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。. There are two reasons to support my opinion. A large percentage of women around the world have careers and do not want to be tied down by marriage. For example, rich countries could utilize their resources to help such people, so people around the world can live a happy and healthy life. According to the reasons stated above, I think music does not influence people’s lives. Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past? Some don’t know on which side of the road they should go, others don’t understand the meanings of road signs.    I think that there is enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan. For instance, people in the past married and had kids because they needed more people working in the farm. ●Accidents 【模範解答】 According to the reasons stated above, cars should be restricted from city centers. There were times in the past when the majority of the population barely had enough money to buy food. 【模範解答】 ●Robots For example, traditional Japanese music reminds Japanese people that they are included in the Japanese community. 【POINTS】 First of all, the construction will cost too much. For example, an ideal lifestyle for many people today is to work a stable job, and eventually marry and have kids. For instance, buy one get one free deals are common in TV commercials, and they influence consumers’ decisions to buy the product. ESL clubの英検対策では生徒が書いたエッセイを英検1級、TOEIC900点レベルのバイリンガル講師が一人ひとりに合わせて添削します。, 英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他 の検討を受けたものではありません。, 英検リスニング対策・勉強法まとめ|これさえ読めば何もいらない!(5級・4級・3級・準2級・2級・準1級), 【英検ライティング対策・予想問題まとめ】3級・準2級・2級・準1級(バイリンガル講師による模範解答付き), 英検直前!読むだけでも点数が変わる対策記事まとめ!(5級・4級・3級・準2級・2級・準1級), 【英検対策本】オススメ教材・参考書の完全まとめ版!(1級・準1級・2級・準2級・3級・4級・5級), 【英検一次試験】合格点と時間配分を公開!(準1級・2級・準2級・3級・4級・5級), 英検そして世界へ。英語が導いてくれた未来とは?ーESL clubで働く梶玲菜さんの場合, 英語を使った無茶振りが子供の世界を広げ、自信を育む 息子に2歳から英語教育をスタートさせた理由とは. Agree or disagree: It is important for senior high school students to participate in team sports. 豊かな国はもっと貧しい国の発展を支援する対策を取るべきだと思いますか?, 【選んだPOINT】 According to the reasons stated above, I think consumers’ decisions are affected by TV commercials.    I think that the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan should be improved for disabled people. First of all, marriage is a crucial step in the process of having children. For instance, getting rid of cars will allow pedestrians to walk on the road as well, creating more space for people to comfortably walk without congestion. The money could be better spent on improving facilities for everyone instead of just for disabled people. First of all, TV commercials often have catchy tunes or funny scenes that make it memorable. Second of all, getting rid of cars will leave more space for pedestrians. どう... 英検1級ライティング問題の書き方について考えてみました。理由3つを含む5段階構成で書きます。予想問題「人クローンは禁止すべき?」を例に、具体的に書いてみましょう。, こんにちは。ブログいつも楽しく拝見させて頂いております。 愉快なコメントと、ちょっと変わった画像のチョイスに、いつも爆笑してしまいます。ところで、英作文の添削をして頂きたいのですが、どのようにしたら良いのでしょうか。ご返答お待ちしています。よろしくお願いいたします。, ぞろりんさん、笑っていただいてとてもうれしいです(#^.^#) 英作文添削をご希望とのこと、ありがとうございます。ゴールデンウィークに募集記事をアップしようと思っていたところなので、それをご利用いただくか、個人的にでしたらTwitter(@morinho_333)にDMください。よろしくお願いいたします。, 英語講師10年選手のモリーニョです。ブログは5年目突入。ココナラで英作文添削もやっています。フリーランス日本語講師もスタート。将来海外進出する予定。モリーニョのさらに詳しいプロフィールはこちら♪, くーさん(左)1歳のアビシニアン。ジャンプが得意な筋肉系。ネット動画大好き。innocence担当。, チャプチェ先輩(右)シニアな雑種猫。慢性腎不全で定期的な点滴が欠かせない。Rainbow bridge在住。wisdom担当。, このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。, ライティングチャレンジ 伝統工芸産業は生き残れる?(2) 英検準1級ライティング予想問題, 英検CSEスコア2200以上が今後ますます注目されるわけ – 英検1級・準1級・2級, 87語→139語 短すぎる英作文を水増しする6つの方法【英検®ライティング対策】例題:消費税増税に賛成?. 【模範解答】 【TOPIC】 For instance, there are hundreds of train and bus station in Tokyo alone, and thousands more in Japan. No one shouldn’t be selfish in the game. ●Money For these reasons, I believe that it is not always important for senior high school students to participate in team sports and it is worth practicing individual sport. Should the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan be improved for disabled people?    I think that TV commercials do not have an influence over consumers’ decisions. 英検一次まで残すところ12日。ラストスパートですね! There are two reasons to support my opinion. Almost all the sports have good points, but I believe it is more important for senior high school students to participate in team sports such as baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, volleyball etc. For instance, a young person having the ambition to go abroad can easily do so with an airplane and do research about the destination on the Internet. In spite of the fact that some people think license to ride a bicycle is out of the question, I think that everyone who wants to ride a bicycle should have a license.    I think that people’s lives are not influenced by music.    I think that young people today have more chances to achieve their ambitions than young people did in the past. For example, if a young person wants to become the Prime Minister, it is harder now because there are a lot more people that have the same dream. Restricting cars in city centers will make it inconvenient for the people that drive to work. 【POINTS】 ●Women ●Pressure ●Children ●Health For example, the famous snack, Pocky, has a catchy tune in their commercial which leads to more people buying them. Memorable commercials stay in the mind of consumers when they are out shopping. Nonetheless, some insist that ____.(それにも関わらず、____と主張する人もいる。)例:Nonetheless, some insist that coming to the office is necessary for the Japanese work style. There are many kinds of products being advertised in commercials, and most of them are for a specific group of people. According to the reasons stated above, I think that rich countries should not put more effort to help development in poor countries. 英検3級には記述式のライティング問題があります。 こんにちは。 The music that people listen to has the power to affect their emotions, and therefore influences the actions that they take. Second of all, the pressure to get married is becoming increasingly low. According to the reasons stated above, I think cars should not be restricted from city centers. However, I don’t think license is necessary to ride a bicycle. Second of all, the construction will take too much time. Is enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan? For example, the number of doctors will need to increase as fast as the number of people requiring medical care to solve the doctor shortage problem. According to the reasons stated above, bicyclists should not be required to have a license. I have two reasons to support this statement. ●Money Second of all, rich countries are already putting enough resources into helping poor countries develop. According to the reasons stated above, I think consumers’ decisions are not affected by TV commercials. 【模範解答】 Should a license be required to ride a bicycle in Japan? 【TOPIC】 According to the reasons stated above, the facilities at train and bus stations should not be changed. ●Technology 【模範解答】 There are two reasons to support my opinion.    I think that the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan should not be improved for disabled people. Second of all, many riders ride bicycles, listening to music or something, and they sometimes ride double on bicycles, which may cause a lot of accidents. Sound Blaster Command Ae-5, Ãチハ Ãュージェ ĺ気 ȉ, ȇ転車 Ãレーキワイヤー ŀ段, ɠ収書 Ů名 ƛき方, Ãートソース Ãンジ Âチャップ, Âラン Ãゾン Ɲ京 Ǭ9話 ŋ画, Premiere ƛき出し Âマ落ち, Circular Ripple Effect Android, ɘ急 š口 Ƨ内, ĺ都 ɘ急百貨店 ɖ店, Ãトリ Âーテンレール Âーダー, Iphone Âプリ Ãックグラウンド ȵ動, lj理のエッセンス ɛ磁気 18, ɖ内 ĺ郎 ɺ量, Iphone ņ真 For You Áは, ɀ常使うプリンタ Ťわる Windows7 Ãスクトップ, Ɲ海道新幹線 Ɂ行状況 Ãイッター, Ãラスチック ʼnる 100均, Âリスタ Âラウド ɖき方, Ų山大学 Ⱦ学部 Ƿ入, Áち髪 Ãアオイル Âタイリング, " />
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